- fúna
- v. слаб. -ō-гнить, разлагаться
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Funa — (< mapudungun funa, podrido, o funan, pudrirse;[1] ha tomado la connotación de «ruina, lo que arruina o echa algo a perder») es el nombre dado en Chile a una manifestación de denuncia y repudio público contra una persona o grupo que cometió… … Wikipedia Español
funa — manifestación o protesta de grupo especialmente contra personero público; protesta popular en un barrio; gentío frente a casa de ex funcionario del gobierno de la dictadura para delatarlo y alertar al vecindario sobre algún atropello suyo; le… … Diccionario de chileno actual
Funa-kurabe — Also funakake. Boat race contests, originally to divine the harvest, held among villages. They are common in Western Japan. There are notable examples at Iki, Tsushima and Sakurajima and at other places where belief in the water kami (suijin)… … A Popular Dictionary of Shinto
FUNA — Frente Unido Nacional Anticomunista (International » Guatemalan) … Abbreviations dictionary
funa- — s. funō ; … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Dennis B. Funa — Dennis Funa Dennis B. Funa is a Filipino lawyer, businessman, former public official, law book author, professor of law, and constitutionalist. As a Filipino lawyer, he is the managing partner of a Metro Manila based law firm. He has served the… … Wikipedia
Cyclone Funa — Severe Tropical Cyclone Funa Category 4 cyclone (Australian scale) Category 3 cyclone (SSHS) Funa at Peak intensity Formed Jan … Wikipedia
funnies — fun·nies || fÊŒnɪz n. section of a newspaper containing comic strips and puzzles fun·ny || fÊŒnɪ n. amusing story, amusing remark adj. causing laughter, amusing; strange; suspicious; ridiculous; joking … English contemporary dictionary
fundament — fun·da·ment || fÊŒndÉ™mÉ™nt n. physical characteristics of a geographical area; buttocks, posterior … English contemporary dictionary
fundamental — fun·da·men·tal || ‚fÊŒndÉ™ mentl n. principle, basis, essential; fundamental note, lowest note of a chord (Music) adj. basic, elemental; essential … English contemporary dictionary
fundamentalism — fun·da men·tal·ism || ‚fÊŒndÉ™ mentÉ™lɪzm n. strict adherence to a system of beliefs (especially religious) … English contemporary dictionary